spudart asks:

What’s the all-time record highest temperature for the low in Chicago?

Note: All temperatures are in Fahrenheit
July 14, 1995 – with a Low of 82.94.

I had to fight with the NOAA datasets for a bit to get at the best source of information and ultimately ended up with the High and Low Temperatures from Chicago’s O’Hare Airport from Jan 1, 1975 through July 13, 2013.
Sorting the data descending on the “Minimum Temperature” to bring the highest “Low Temperatures” to the top, we end up with the following:

Date        Low High
7/14/1995   82.94   100.04
7/15/1980   82.04   98.06
7/6/2012    82.04   102.92
7/13/1995   80.96   104
7/23/2012   80.96   96.98

Just out of curiosity, here’s the top 5 High Temperatures:

Date        Low High
7/13/1995   80.96   104
6/20/1988   73.04   104
7/6/2012    82.04   102.92
7/5/2012    78.98   102.92
6/25/1988   66.02   102.92

Check out that last one! There’s almost a 37 degree difference across the day!


Comment by spudart on 2013-07-16 11:21:35 -0500

Wow! Look at all that research! Your answer was faster than Yahoo Answers, Quora, Ask.com, and six Chicago meteorlogists on twitter!